Monday 23 November 2009

Day8 - Structually complete

Last night my usual entrance presented itself and I snuck inside for an update.  There has been a huge amount of work completed over the weekend.  I think that all the structural changes now look complete and they are starting to paint and decorate.  The ladies toilets are nearly complete and the main wall, that you see when you first enter the (now reversed) main doors, has been filled in.  Still no sign of what will be behind the bar but I snapped an updated set of plans taped to a wall.  I also saw a load of boxes piled in the middle of the back bar area.  I tore open a corner and took a photo of what looks like the new flooring - oak I think.


  1. Hmmm, looking good but the sign for Hunters chicken is still there... doesn't bode well for the new menu :(

  2. Hmmm... I think this will all end in tears...

  3. What the Hunters Chicken

  4. Bob: Why tears?

    Anonymous: I think the Hunters Chicken was an old menu choice. I've heard there will be all new menus with the relaunch. I keep looking around to see if they've left any paperwork detailing this but nothing as of yet. If I find anything I'll be sure to post it!

  5. I hope Hunters Chicken is on the new menu.

  6. Hunters Chicken still up at 8pm tonight!

  7. Well someone is going to be crying, either that little Mexican waiter that runs the place or the chavs he's trying to get rid of.
