Tuesday 17 November 2009

Day2: More chaos

Day2 of the Station revamp and my 'secret' way in appears to have gone unnoticed as I was still able to squeeze in after hours (although it is a bit hairy - am sure he is upstairs watching TV whilst I tip toe around downstairs).  It looks tidier than yesterday with a few stud walls put up and some of the rubble removed.  The old gents is taking shape and you can see the outline of the new toilets and gaps for the large doors to the outside seating area.  Did a quick look around for paperwork but nothing near as good as the plans from yesterday.  Hopefully more tomorrow...


  1. Any sign of how many real ale pumps - or what they might be?

  2. Didn't see anything - might be too early to see as the bar is in bits at the moment. I'll see if I can get a pic of behind the main bar next time - difficult as it is full of stuff.

  3. Real ale is a winner.
